Cheap Flights From Kingsport to Philadelphia
Which airport do you fly into from Kingsport for flights to Philadelphia?
When you book tickets from Kingsport to Philadelphia, you’ll fly into Philadelphia (PHL), which is situated 7.0 miles from the city center. Five airlines provide daily flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia. Booking flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia should be easy because the airport has 0 flights coming from Kingsport every day.
It is important to know which airlines have flexible cancellation policies in light of COVID-19.
American Airlines and Delta are two airlines that may have a more accommodating cancellation policy. You may use our site to search for more airlines that may provide similar flexibility.
Is it possible to book flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia for less than $300 on the website?
Yes, there are many flights between Kingsport and Philadelphia that cost less than $300. The lowest airfare recently booked was on American Airlines for $275, but you can expect to spend at least $500.
Are there any last-minute flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia that cost less than $400?
There are currently three or more available flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia for less than $400 during the next seven days.
Which airlines fly from Kingsport to Philadelphia with the highest degree of reliability?
When travelling from Kingsport to Philadelphia, the top three most dependable airlines are Piedmont Airlines (82%), American Airlines (78%), and British Airways (78%). 74 percent
Which airlines fly the most frequently between Kingsport and Philadelphia?
When travelling from Kingsport to Philadelphia, the most common airlines are major airlines, American Airlines, and Delta.
Which airlines provide the cheapest tickets between Kingsport and Philadelphia?
While the average price of a trip from Kingsport to Philadelphia is $349, our research indicates that the cheapest airfare right now is $118. When it comes to the most popular route (Blountville Tri Cities TN/VA-Philadelphia), the average price is $377.
Which month is the cheapest to travel between Kingsport and Philadelphia?
May is one of the finest months of the year to travel from Kingsport to Philadelphia. Prices in May average $301 per person, but may go as low as $225. November has the costliest pricing. By purchasing a ticket in May, you may save 35% on your travel compared to flying in November.
Which airline has the cheapest flights from Kingsport to Philadelphia (K1N-PHL)?
When traveling from Kingsport to Philadelphia, the time of day you choose to depart has little to no effect on the total cost of your tickets.